
For educators

The following section is aimed at educators, supporting them with the teaching aids, didactic and other teaching-related material developed as part of the Module’s activities. 

The syllabi of two NearEU courses (EU enlargement and challenges of wider EuropeIlliberal turn in Europe and Russia) are now available (please see material below).  The syllabus of updated course (Regional Integration Processes in Europe and Eurasia), along with three courses supported by the module: The European Union – Current AffairsIntroduction to the European Union, and EU History and Integration Process. Interactive infographics, related to enrolment and completion data for the MOOC Common Challenges of Competing Regionalisms could be accessed here; and for the MOOC Impact of Changing EU-Russia Relations on the Development of Eastern Partnershiphere

The syllabi of two new NearEU MOOCs (Common Challenges of Competing Regionalisms and Impact of Changing EU-Russia Relations on the Development of Eastern Partnership) are now available (please see material below). The MOOCs can be also accessed on Moodle with the guest access link. You can access the MOOC Common Challenges of Competing Regionalisms here; while the MOOC Impact of Changing EU-Russia Relations on the Development of Eastern Partnership can be accessed here (please insert password – “NearEU” for this course). The Moodle page contains course didactic material, including, the list of readings, collection of relevant study resources and assignments. 

E-book on didactics of preparing and running simulation exercises could be accessed below. The e-book represents a toolbox and teaching manual for educators, who are interested in organizing and implementing similar simulations in their respective HEIs.

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