
Call for applications: NearEU study visit to Tallinn, 18-19.2022

Within the framework of the activities of the NearEU Jean Monnet Module we are organizing a study visit to Tallinn on November 18/19. During the two days in Tallinn, we will visit institutions, media organizations, and think-tanks. A cultural excursion of Tallinn old town will also be offered on Saturday. The full programme of the visit will be available in due timeSubmit your application at the following link by October 31.

Travel to Tallinn by train and accommodation are covered by NearEU, while meals are covered by students.

The visit is open to 20 students enrolled in study programmes offered by the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies as well as exchange students. Both Master’s students and advanced bachelor students from the J. Skytte Institute of Political Studies are welcome to apply.

For additional questions, please, contact me directly (

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