
NearEU Master Class with MEP – Yana Toom

On October 29th, the NearEU Jean Monnet Module hosted its sixth Master Class, entitled “Dis-united in diversity? Internal challenges to the process of integration”, which was delivered by the Estonian Member of European Parliament – Yana Toom (Renew Europe). The Master Class looked at the most pressing internal and external challenges that the European Union is facing, at the moment, in the form of climate change, green transition, illiberal trends and rise of far-right movements in several member states. 

Yana Toom is a journalist and politician and an Estonian Member of the European Parliament. At 2006, she obtained the Estonian citizenship for special services to the state. Since 2003 she belongs to the Council of the Estonian Newspaper Association and from 2009 she is a member of the Estonian Centre Party. During her diverse career Yana Toom has been a member of the Estonian Parliament, worked as a Chief Editor in various newspapers and held the position of Deputy Mayor at Tallinn City Government.

It was an honor and a pleasure to host MEP Toom digitally as the leader of our NearEU Master Class session. See more pictures from the master class in the gallery section


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