
NearEU Module successfully launched its first Graduate Conference

The NearEU Graduate Conference, the first of its kind organized by the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies at the University of Tartu, was successfully launched on 20 May 2021. We congratulate all panelists who participated in the rigorous, multi-disciplinary and diverse program!

Although the conference proved to be particularly pertinent to graduate students of the institute who were defending their theses in the following weeks, advanced bachelor students and early stage doctoral students of the university were also encouraged to apply and showcase their works, research projects or papers. As part of the conference format, participants received specialized feedback from fellows, faculty and doctoral students. In all, 13 students of the institute participated in the landmark conference. 

Individual presenters were grouped into three panels consisting of 3-5 students, who were each allotted 15 minutes to present their research, allowing both smooth transitions between topics and enough time for effective discussion. Each panel then carried out a 45 minute discussion, Q&A and commentary directed towards all presenters, allowing each individual the opportunity to defend their work and expand on their ideas.

This year, topics ranged from cybersecurity and integration to norms and the rule of law, with the 13 students representing all three English-language master’s programs at the Skytte Institute. It was a close race, but the prize – a 100 EUR voucher valid for the purchase of books, audio-visuals, and other materials – was awarded to Mariia Khrapunenko (IRRS), who focused on the representation of the European Union’s interests at the UN-level. 

Stay tuned for more opportunities to join the NearEU’s upcoming conferences, events, and competitions! More pictures from the conference could be seen here

opening of the conference

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