
NearEU conducts its first Eastern Partnership Summit Simulation Exercise

On the 21-22 of May 2021, the NearEU Module conducted its first two-day simulation exercise that considered both the future of the Eastern Partnership and the ongoing situation in Belarus, bringing together almost 50 students from the courses “EU Enlargement and Challenges of the Wider Europe” and “EU History and Integration Processes”. The simulation took on two formats: one as a meeting of the Council of the EU, and another as the Eastern Partnership Summit. 

The simulation offered students the chance to experience real-life scenarios – which often move quickly and in unpredictable ways – while testing their knowledge about real-world processes concerning both the Council and the Eastern Partnership, international power dynamics, and diplomacy. It also offered students a firsthand look into the world of international relations, and the difficult decisions that sometimes come along with representing a nation ahead of one’s own personal interests. 

Ahead of the simulation, students were expected to prepare and understand their country’s primary concerns, interests, and alliances within and outside of the EU in order to foster as much of a true-to-life experience as possible. 

Over the course of the two days, all students experienced the highs and lows of negotiation, compromise, and defending their position on a public stage. As to be expected from such an event, the discussion was lively, thought-provoking, and very informative. We congratulate all participants from both courses with successful completion of the simulation! View more pictures from the simulation here


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