
The Master Class series in the spring semester were concluded by H.E. Ambassador Archil Karaulashvili

On May 28th, the NearEU Jean Monnet Module concluded its spring semester Master Class series with an open lecture “More than a century since Georgia’s first Independent Republic: foreign policy and EU prospects”, delivered by Ambassador Archil Karaulashvili. Archil Karaulashvili is Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Georgia to the Republic of Estonia since November 2019. Mr. Archil Karaulashvili is a career diplomat, who has devoted significant part of his professional life to Georgia’s EU-integration related issues. Prior to his current assignment, he was the Director General for European Integration, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia and First Deputy Minister on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Georgia. He previously was a Director of Foreign Investment Department in MFA and Deputy Head of Foreign Investment, Credits and Inter-branch Projects Department as well as a Head of Division of Business-Plan Analysis in the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations of Georgia. Mr. Karaulashvili earned a Master’s degree in International Economic Relations from Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.

The master class focused on Georgia’s foreign policy and perspectives for EU integration process. The open lecture attracted a significant number of attendees from participating in the Module institutions as well as general public.

It was an honor and a pleasure to host digitally H.E. Ambassador Archil Karaulashvili as the leader of our NearEU Master Class session. See more pictures from the master class in the gallery section.

H.E. Ambassador

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