
New Jean Monnet teaching module “NearEU” approved

The Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies has received funding from the European  Commission to develop a new teaching module on the neighbourhood and enlargement of the European Union.

The application for the teaching module NearEU (Neighbourhood Enlargement and Regionalism in Europe) – related to Europeanization of the European Union’s Eastern neighbourhood, candidate countries, and  wider Europe – has been selected for funding by the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet programme. It is the only approved Jean Monnet activity led by an Estonian institution in the 2020 round of applications.

The project is coordinated by the University of Tartu and led by Dr. Stefano Braghiroli – Associate Professor of European Studies and Director of the Master’s Programme in “European Union – Russia Studies” – and Ms. Anna Beitane – Manager of Online Learning Projects at the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies. It includes a network of partners from Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Montenegro, Poland, and Ukraine. Particular attention is devoted to the involvement of junior instructors and early stage researchers.

The approved Jean Monnet module aims to create new knowledge, tools, and resources related to the evolution of partners’ and candidates’ relationship with the EU and alternative models of regionalism. NearEU is functional to the creation and the support of a new “European Union – Russia Studies” module within the framework of the master’s programme in “International relations and regional studies” at the J. Skytte Institute of Political Studies. Read more about this here. 

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