
NearEU Module conducts Master Class series with partnering expert – Dr. Iryna Maksymenko

On December 6th, the NearEU Jean Monnet Module hosted its eight Master Class, entitled “Ukraine – EU Relations. The long path of Ukraine’s return to the European family”, which was delivered by the partnering expert – Dr. Iryna Maksymenko from Odesa Mechnikov National University (Ukraine). The Master Class evaluated the dynamics of EU’s and Ukraine’s relations since 1991. The master class evaluated the progress of Ukraine as a member of EaP; Association Agreement signed between Ukraine and the European Union; as well as broader implications of the European Neighbourhood Policy. 

Iryna Maksymenko is Assistant Professor at the Department of International Relations, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University (Ukraine). Her fields of expertise include European Union foreign and security policy, the European strategy towards the Black Sea region, EU-Ukraine cooperation, role of the EU in the resolution of Transnistrian conflict and conflict over Ukraine, Ukraine’s national security and foreign policy. She has published extensively in national and international journals and has taught courses related to her field of expertise both at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

It was an honor and a pleasure to host Dr. Iryna Maksymenko digitally as the leader of our NearEU Master Class session. See more pictures from the master class in the gallery section

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